Monday, December 1, 2008

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Well....much to my girls' delight and Kevin's dismay...the Christmas tree is up!!! Kevin thinks it's way too early, but since it was 3 against 1, the tree went up yesterday. Sydney was so excited and was talking non-stop....we had to remind her to breathe.

We had a little problem with distribution of the ornaments that Syd and Kay were putting on! The bottom right corner of the tree was heavily loaded...when they weren't looking, I would swipe one and relocate it...only to turn around and find a new ornament hanging in its place.

And of course, when all was said and done, the dinosaurs had to come out and play in the tree!

Then Kayleigh found the toy violin that plays Christmas songs....

How do you hold this thing?

Let's see...under my chin...

This can't be right...I can't see anything.


Finally a hold that mommy can be proud of (still need to work on that bow hold).

Newton doesn't like his sweater, but we like teasing him by putting it on him.


  1. LOVE the pictures! And congrats on winning that awesome giveaway!

  2. Loved the pictures!!!!
    Thanks for sharing
    Love and hugs

  3. SO adorable!! I love the pic of Kay holding the dinosaur. That face needs a caption! haha!
