Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Missy Missy Hot Dog

It seems that whenever I get my violin or viola out these days, Kayleigh shows us to "teach violin too"...that's what she calls it.

Neither of my girls really play....they just do their own thing. Sydney doesn't want lessons because, according to her, she already knows how to play the violin. And if I try to help Kayleigh she says, "I do it."

Needless to say, they don't make beautiful sounds on the violin. Please don't judge my ability to teach violin by my own children! Usually my students sound much better (but not always!)


  1. I love it!!!! Someday she will play like you!
    hugs Mom

  2. Ohhh, it is so an ear piercing way! haha!

    Maybe she will one day be your violin player while Syd is a dinosaur bone digger (having brain loss on what those people are actually called)!

  3. AWWWW!!!!

    And...(agreeing with Abbie)Ouch!

    Too cute though!!!!!

  4. ROFL "Missy Missy Hot Dog" I LOVE kids!
