Monday, April 27, 2009

Do Something Monday

I know I have already posted today about "paying it forward" with a "random act of kindness", but my friend, Gin, is hosting "DO SOMETHING MONDAY".

Her theme (in case you didn't click on her name to read what she wrote on her blog) is doing a random act of kindness. So I've been thinking about what I could do.

I read another blog today...I'm following the Compassion Bloggers Trip to India this week. Melissa (Beth Moore's daughter) is on the trip and her post made me want to write my Compassion kids and tell them I love them.

And so I did.

Maybe it's not so random because I write to them at least once a month. But I don't know if I've ever just written and said...I love you.

And so I did.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your Do Something Monday. My do something Monday ended up taking care of the husband!
