Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No More Multitasking

Multitasking is something we often take pride in...but I've realized that it's just NOT working for me and so I'm going to do my best to give it up. If I walk around my house, it's obvious to me that my focus is not on one thing at a time. Often I will see tasks half-done.

But I also read something that was very convicting, and it had to do with multitasking and parenting...

Let me say this upfront - I am strongly opposed to multitasking. When it comes to raising kids and building the kid of family you want, your children need your full attention. They don't need it every moment of every day, but they need it frequently and consistently - and when they need it, they need it!They need it when they are upset. They need it when they are talking to you about something important.

To be sure, multitasking is a skill in which parents can take pride. Multitasking gets dinner on the table. But don't let the task at hand steal your attention so that you're uttering mindless "uh-huhs" as your child tells you what happened at the playground. Make eye contact and listen when you talk to your child or you'll pay the price when she won't look up from a video game to tell you how her days was. - John Walsh, "Enough Already"

That might seem like common sense, but I was convicted because I am guilty of NOT giving my children my full attention when they need it. So there you have it...a confession and a resolution to stop multitasking and start focusing. I'm hoping both my house and my family benefit.


  1. Thank you SO much for this post Jill. I am SOOOOOOO guilty of this with Abby, I can't put enough O's in SO to tell you how much I needed to read this. I really do have a desire to work on this and especially with summer break coming and all the Mom/Daughter time that we will get...I want to make every minute count. This is just the reminder that I needed! THANK YOU!

  2. I am so guilty of this as well! I often tell my kids, just a minute. Great reminder to stop and give my kids the attention they need and desire!
